Group’s guidelines for action, slogan, mark

The Group Action Guidelines concisely describe how each employee of the Keisei Group should think and act to realize the Group’s management philosophy.

Group Action Guidelines

(Safety) We will put safety and security first.
(Service) We will be mindful of greeting customers and will act in a customer-oriented manner.
(Growth) We will constantly reinvent ourselves and will create new value.
(Business ethics) We will take care of everyone and will comply with laws and other rules.
(Environment) We will act in consideration of the environment.

Code of conduct

We will conduct legitimate and appropriate business activities in accordance with the code of conduct below to comply with laws and regulations and social norms and fulfill our corporate social responsibility under our corporate philosophy: We aim to contribute to the development of communities and become a company that is trusted by and beloved of its stakeholders.

1. Relations with society

(1) Contribution to local communities and society
We will work to contribute to society as a member of local communities and society mainly through our business activities.

(2) Dissociation with antisocial forces
We will maintain a resolute attitude in dealing with antisocial forces. We will not encourage the activities of antisocial forces.

(3) Environmental preservation, protection
We will recognize the importance of environmental preservation and protection and will consider ways to reduce our environmental footprint. We will work for harmony with nature.

(4) Donations, political contributions
We will not make any illegal donations or political contributions.

2. Relations with customers

(1) Putting safety first
We will provide quality products and services to customers and will put their safety above all else.

(2) Customer-oriented action
We will listen to customers’ opinions and will respond to them promptly and with integrity. In this way, we will work to improve our operations and services.

(3) Strict control of customer information
We will use customer information only for business purposes and other purposes prescribed by laws and regulations. We will control information strictly to prevent leakage.

3. Relations with shareholders and investors

(1) Disclosure of management information
We will disclose our management information to shareholders and investors fairly and in a timely manner so that we can be assessed properly.

(2) Prohibition of insider trading
We will not conduct any suspicious transactions such as those of stock and bonds using insider information of the Company, the Group, or business partners that we obtain in the course of business.

4. Relations with business partners

(1) Fair and equitable business transactions
We will conduct optimum, fair, and equitable transactions in compliance with laws and regulations and internal rules.

(2) Prohibition of excessive entertainment and gifts
We will not provide or receive any excessive entertainment or gifts.

5. Respect for human rights and ensuring a good work environment

(1) Respect for human rights and prohibition of discrimination
We will respect individual human rights and will refrain from any human rights infringements, including discriminatory statements.

(2) Prohibition of harassment
We will refrain from any action that engenders a feeling of discomfort, causes disadvantages, or impairs the dignity of individuals, such as sexual harassment and abuse of power.

(3) Ensuring safety and health
We will work to create safe and sanitary work environments.

(4) Creation of a good working environment
We will create a communicative and vibrant work environment where each employee is motivated.

6. Protection of the Company’s assets etc.

(1) Prohibition of acts involving conflicts of interest
We will not act against the interests of the Company for the interests of our own or a third party.

(2) Management of important information
We will strictly control the important information of the Company and other companies to prevent unauthorized disclosure.

(3) Proper use of the Company’s assets
We will prevent damage to our assets (including intellectual property rights) and their theft or unauthorized use. We will not use the Company’s assets or money for personal purposes.

(4) Management of the internal information system
We will properly operate and manage the use of the information system under internal and other rules.

7. Supplementary provision

(1) Scope of application
This code of conduct is applicable from November 1, 2014, to all those who work for Keisei Electric Railway Co., Ltd.

Group slogan

We aim to connect smiles. Keisei Group

This slogan expresses the Keisei Group’s aspiration to contribute to the development of society by helping to create a nice living environment full of smiles.
The word “smiles” in the slogan means the smiles of customers in local communities and the employees of the Group companies and smiles coming from the meeting of people in Japan and from abroad at Narita Airport and places around it. The slogan reflects the Keisei Group’s desire to be a corporate group that takes care of everyone.

Group logo

We hope that every customer will feel safe and secure when they see this logo.

The companies participating in the BMK initiative introduced the Keisei Group logo in FY2001. The purpose of using the logo is to get customers to recognize each Keisei Group company when they see the logo and to bolster the image of the overall Keisei Group, including Keisei Electric Railway, when the logo is recognized as indicating a corporate group that provides safe services. The design is intended to symbolize the Keisei Group and to convey united image as a corporate entity. The basic colors are “Liner blue” and “Liner red” to unite information and image. The blue indicates our expanding possibilities and contributions to society, and the red indicates our passion for business and strong ambition.