Disclosure policy

Purpose of IR and basic policy

Keisei Electric Railway (“the Company”) engages in investor relations (IR) to enable its shareholders and investors to deepen their understanding of the Company and make appropriate investment decisions. The Company’s basic IR policy is thus to always provide fair and accurate information in good faith and in a timely manner. We consider IR to be the most effective means of communication between our shareholders and other stakeholders and us and strive to always respond to inquiries in good faith.
We will not provide any specific information to any specific individuals.

Disclosure standards

We disclose information in compliance with standards specified by the timely disclosure rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other rules, laws and regulations. We will also voluntarily and fairly disclose information, the disclosure of which is not prescribed in any applicable laws or regulations, as far as possible if the information is useful to shareholders and investors when they make investment decisions.

Method of disclosure

We disclose information properly in compliance with the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act. We disclose information to which the timely disclosure rules of the Tokyo Stock Exchange apply by registering it with TDnet (Timely Disclosure Network) of the Tokyo Stock Exchange in accordance with the timely disclosure rules and by issuing a press release through press clubs.
We actively and widely disclose information through our website.

Results forecast

Information that we disclose includes forward-looking statements, including earnings forecasts. Please note that forward-looking statements are based on available information and inherently include uncertainties and that actual results may differ from them. We will not endorse any forecasts of our results made by any third party.

Important information that is not released

Information that we provide at earnings briefings for analysts that we hold and in response to inquiries by telephone or interviews of the media is limited to information that has already been disclosed. We will not provide any important information that has not already been disclosed without performing predetermined procedures.

Quiet period

We designate the period from the day following the account closing date of every quarter to the date of announcement of results as a quiet period and abstain from investor relations during this period to prevent the leakage of information that may affect the stock price during the period when materials related to results are prepared. During the quiet period, we refrain from making any comments on results forecasts, results, or plans in response to any specific investors or media. If during the quiet period we come to expect that our results will be different materially from the results forecast that has already been announced, we will disclose the appropriate information at the appropriate time.

Examples of Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

Item Content FY2022 result
Financial Results Presentation /
Business Plan Presentation
The president, the executive officer in charge of accounting and the executive officer in charge of management supervision directly explain financial results and business plans to institutional investors and analysts. three times
Small Meeting The executive officer in charge of accounting and the executive officer in charge of management supervision directly explain financial results and business plans to institutional investors and analysts. appropriately
Individual dialogue The manager of the accounting department and the manager of the management supervision department hold individual dialogues with institutional investors and analysts. 69 times
Presentation for individual investors The general manager of the accounting department explains the business overview, business plan, financial results, etc. one time
Events for Individual Investors We hold facility tour for our shareholders to further deepen their understanding of our business activities. one time
IR materials We disclose consolidated financial results and financial results presentation materials on our website, and strive to deepen understanding of our group. appropriately